Tuesday 21 January 2014

Bicycle flashlight #1 - Intro & prototype on breadboard

A buddy of mine, who is a big bycicle enthusiast, has his birthday coming up... so I decided to build a custom flashlight for his fixed gear bike.
I'll divide the project into four phases.
In the first part I'm going to introduce you to the project, and describe the prototype circuit on a breadboard.

For the electric part you need the following components:
- ATmega 168 or similar micro controller in DIP package
- Three red, three white and three blue ultra bright leds
- At least 10x10 cm prototyping board with standard 2.54 mm hole distance
- Nine 470 ohm resistors
- 5V regulator 7805
- Two 100 micro farad capacitors
- Two 100 nano farad capacitors
- Small toggle switch
- Small normal open switch
- Battery holder for four AAA batteries
- Some thin wires
- Atmel programming interface (or similar)
- Silicon glue

It also helps if you have a breadboard and some jumper wires.
I recommend before trying to understand the circuit that I will describe, to take a look how a breadboard works, how to connections are made in it. You can take a look at the Wikipedia article: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadboard".
Tool you need for the first part:
- cutting pliers
- bent nose pliers
- soldering iron & solder